Note that cross-generation save transfers within the same console family are supported for the new Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 consoles.

Though episodes won't be available for purchase individually, you also won’t need to wait for each subsequent episode to release, and if you have an existing save file, you can pick up where you left off on the same platform. This re-release includes all five of the original episodes in one package: Tales from the Borderlands is a crucial chapter in Borderlands canon, so if you haven’t yet experienced its chaotic, emotional journey, now’s the perfect time.

How the rest of the story plays out is up to you, as you make choices during explosive action scenes and conversations with familiar characters like Moxxi, Zer0, Marcus, and Claptrap. The deal they strike goes bad in ways that could only happen in the Borderlands, wreaking all kinds of mayhem. Rhys-who you might know from Borderlands 3 as the Atlas Corporation CEO-is an ambitious Hyperion employee who idolizes the recently deceased Handsome Jack and is in the market for a Vault Key. Explore Pandora as never before: familiar and new locations brought to life as more than mere cannon fodder.Fiona is a full-time con-artist who has been scheming to make a fortune selling a fake Vault Key. In Tales From The Bordelands play as Rhys, on a mission to make Hyperion his and as Fiona, on a mission to make the money hers (all of it). Thrown together as unwilling partners in an adventure to recover cash they both think is theirs, their journey will take you on a wild ride where gangsters, bandit lords, and Vault Hunters are just some of the obstacles you’ll encounter, in this new take on the award-winning universe created by Gearbox Software. In Tales From The Bordelands you’ll play as Rhys, a Hyperion ‘suit’ with dreams of being the next Handsome Jack, and Fiona, a Pandoran con artist looking to score her biggest ever swindle. Watch this gameplay walkthrough of Tales From The Borderlands Episode 4 Escape Plan Bravo to find out what happens next. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series full of Borderlands' trademark humor following two adventurers on their quest for greatness. Tales From The Borderlands Episode 4 - Fiona Playing Scooter And Janey - Walkthrough Part 3