If you already have Napoleon: Total War, then this is well worth picking up! You can find more information in their official subforums here. The trailer is 100% ingame graphics and looks like a tremendous effort for a mod. This is a mod for Napoleon: Total War, transporting you almost 100 years into the future to WW1 pitting the Central Powers against the Allied Powers in stagnant, bloody and stalemated trench warfare.

This 30 min video provides that nicely, giving you a feel of how breathtakingly large the game is, from the insanely detailed models in battle to the massive campaign map allowing you to take control of your growing empire. Now that you've seen the latest trailer and I've got you pumped up, perhaps you want to dive in and see how full campaign gameplay works. Undoubtedly one of the most anticipated strategy game releases this year, probably right after Company of Heroes 2, this latest trailer for Total War: Rome II shows you the different ways players can outwit enemies in the massive battlefield. There are many reasons as to why I can't get enough of strategy games, chief among them, commanding massive armies, the thrill of being in the middle a huge battle, the challenge of trying to stay calm and orchestrate maneuvers in the chaos of battle. This week's videos are all about strategic warfare, some of the best ones this year, along with a bonus interview of the godfather of turn-based strategy games himself, Sid Meier.